“At the school where I work the Syrian and Turkish teachers have learned to cooperate as a team, and this feels great. But a friend of mine who teaches at a different school almost quit her job because of the way her colleagues treated her. My husband and I went with her to see the principal. He made us feel welcome, listened to my friend’s concerns, apologised for what happened and helped to solve the problems. Maybe it sounds simple, but listening and speaking respectfully are often all it takes to find amicable solutions to all kinds of problems.”

Samar Jamal, School Principal

“I was quite struck by the way Samar helped her teacher friend who felt badly treated by her Turkish colleagues. She supported her to explain the situation to her principal. And he understood and took action to improve the situation. I realised that dialogue – simply talking to one another – is key to solving many of the issues Gaziantep’s new residents face on their journey towards integration. We have to keep talking and not be too quick to walk away when things get difficult.”

Rahaf Aljaradi, Student, Faculty of Education